Why choose Jones Marine Surveys in Staffordshire?
Iain Jones, founder of JMS, has been involved with boats his entire life. He grew up going on summer holidays to England's many inland waterways. By the age of 10 he could sail boats. In senior school he raced dinghies. As a young man he joined the Merchant Navy. When he returned ashore he bought his own "project" narrowboat to work on. He received certifications from universities gained plenty of hands-on experience working for marine surveying companies and started JMS in Staffordshire, in 2012.
In 1996 he qualified as one of the first British Waterways Boat Safety Scheme Examiners. Courses at Plymouth University gave him enough experience to become a rookie Marine Surveyor. After gaining a high mark for the International Institute of Marine Surveying's Long-Distance Yacht & Small Craft Surveying course, he was able to become a member. He is also a member of the Association of Boat Safety Scheme Examiners which keeps him up to date with industry changes and developments.
As a young man he joined the Merchant Navy as a Radio and Electronics Officer. Soon afterwards he joined United Arab Shipping and sailed the world. Upon returning to life on shore, he bought and built upon his first "project" narrowboat, which he maintains to this day. Next, a course at Plymouth University would prepare him to become a rookie Marine Surveyor. He then took a course under the International Institute of Marine Surveying which took his experience even higher.